Hello there.
So I was running and X55 until a 1 in a million failure on the joystick electronics, got it replaced but unfortunately they sent my hotas back with a broken throttle (one of the pots by the thumb were loos). Water under the bridge and its time to move on, now i have skills in CAD and 3D modeling, fabrication and model making, entry level electronic skills and a 3D printer.
Now i looked around if anyone had put together a guide/how to/template for making custom joystick/hotas/whatever style of input you can come up with. So i came across this group and thought you guys might be able interested in helping put together a frame work as such for building various element of a HOTAS with like a list of parts and a plug and play-ish sort of software/code. I plane on building my own cockpit for play Elite and other flight sims down the road and creating this framework for an expandable guide to DIY virtual cockpits.
Im really new to this Hempstick platform and otbhers like it so please let me know what limitations there are or any problems you can see. basicly what i want to try and achieve is like a modular or kit style templates for making what ever the end user needs.
what do you guys think